if you dislike romance...
hit esc now :-)
you can join me in celebrating 4 years of marriage
happy 4 year anniversary taylor!
my beloved is mine and i am his
song of solomon 2:16

august 18, 2007
oh happy day
1 year
glen rose, rough creek lodge
2 years-maui
look-we're maui-ed
sorry i couldn't resist
3 years - santa fe, la posada
one of the 2 locations we plan to split our retirement
you know- no big deal- winter in marfa, summer in santa fe
we will hang will our old hipster friends in marfa
where v gallery I will be
sorry- i think i'm dreaming out loud
and come to sante fe for the summer
obviously to run v gallery II
4 years baby!!! st.croix tide pools
the steamy hike was worth it for this view and THIS kiss
happy anniversary to my husband and partner in crime
honestly if we spent it celebrating in a card board box
YOU would make it special
you would build a fort out of the boxes and sing to me
and we would laugh till we peed our pants
ok maybe only i would pee my pants
i digress...
every moment with you is special
i could go on and on but i'll save the really romantic stuff for later
Alli V! We are so blessed to have eachother. I love spending my life with such a hilarious, caring, thoughful, deep, beautiful lady like you. It doesn't hurt that your a great chef too ;)
Happy Four year anniversary!
Meep boop bop beeep beeep boooop. I wish we had love like this on our planet. Where I am from, our females bite off the limbs of the males they love. Beep bop bop booop.
Beautiful couple, we love you both!
this is so, so, so precious. I love every word. So wonderful that y'all have celebrated somewhere amazing each year.I love how in love y'all are. :) Happy Anniversary, and cheers to many more! xo
I love this post! Perfect in every way, just like you two. Also, please set aside a room for me and JB in your Santa Fe and Marfa homes! :)
thanks for all the love ladies and guys-i feel blessed to have taylor as my partner and blessed to have you as friends and family!!!! xo!
Congratulations, Allison!! By the way, your wedding dress looks like it was absolutely stunning! I love the back. Many more happy years to you both!
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