last night i finally finished
the last few chapters' i was saving to savor every delicious word of
do you ever get so sad when a book ends
but then so exited to page back through it
and read all the amazing bits over and over?
bittersweet was that kind of book for me
i was telling rachel at book club
in fact we practically said it in unison
that in every chapter at least one paragraph(and then some)
struck a cord with me
the martha stewart (perfectionist/control freak) in me
doesn't allow for turning down pages
but with bittersweet i caved
there are too many passages i wanted to re-read and remember
i'll admit it, i dog eared the heck out of this book
after reading this book i want to grab coffee with shauna
{no big deal- we are so friends ;-) }
what i respect most about her is her honesty
the way she candidly speaks about her hardships, struggles,
faith and everyday life
i hope the following passage touches you as much as it did me
and if not then go buy the book today and see for yourself!
there are so many juicy nuggets of wisdom,
humor and reflection that i know
every woman can identify with
from the last chapter in bittersweet
your story must be told
the big story really is actually being told
through little stories,
and by sharing our lives,
not just sermons,
we're telling god's story in as reverent and divine ways
as it has ever been told.
god's story was told in hebrew and greek,
and i believe that it's also being told
in whispers and paintings and blogs
and around dinner tables all over the world.
there's nothing small or inconsequential about our stories.
there is, in fact, nothing bigger.
and when we tell the truth about our lives---
the broken parts, the secret parts, the beautiful parts---
then the gospel comes to life,
an actual story about redemption,
instead of abstraction and theory
and things you learn in sunday school.
can't wait to read this book, alli! loved that quote ~ beautiful!
thanks hil! it is such a great read- can't wait to chat about it with you :)
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