Sunday, November 21, 2010

the weekend

happy monday everyone!

this weekend was great
saturday started off with a early morning yoga class
followed by this lovely green smoothie

next was the etsy jingle bash
which turned out to be the jingle smash
sorry i couldn't help myself- it was fun and i found some good gifts
but it was shoulder to shoulder crowded
you had to fight your way through for a look at the goods

taylor would love this
something my speed
after the craziness of the shopping adventure i needed a coffee break
love drinking a hot drink when it's chilly outside

R+D kitchen

paloma cocktail
deviled eggs
seared ahi tuna / salad
harry potter goody bags
magic no 7
seventh movie out of the 8 in the series

the contents
booker beans, chocolate frogs, jelly slugs
which was really dried cherries, chocolate covered almonds and gummi bears

surprisingly enough it was a tasty combo
we enjoyed the movie
i cried like the sap i am
all the kids in the theater made it a fun experience
every time a new character came onscreen they would start clapping
it was too cute

sunday was busy busy with church and a fun family gathering.
now if only i can meet all the deadlines i have this week, make all the banana pudding
that is required to feed both sides of my family, and achieve everything else i've got to get together- i will be golden!

how are you preparing for thanksgiving?
do you turn into a turkey or a fruitcake?
i've seen both make appearances at my house

1 comment:

tvieger said...

Fruitcake always shows up when there's ribbon dancing at the Vieger House!