Sunday, December 14, 2008

weekend update!

friday night we had the baker triangle christmas party to go to. it's always cool to see members of my family- my brother, dad, uncle, and grandfather at a work function in a different light than i normally do. it's so incredible to see how great bt has done and the great people that make up the company-including my hubby!

saturday was an all day shopping adventure. i mean adventure because it is always fun trying to make sure your family and friends have something special for christmas while funds are low. but hey- i'm creative and can improvise. it was a challenge communicating to the sales people what i was looking for because i can not speak over a low whisper because my voice is gone AGAIN!!! i love to is killing me people, really killing me inside. i added some pics from tay and i being silly and delirious after a day of whispering and shopping!

today at church the african childrens' choir performed and they were amazing! it was inspiring to see them sing with such smiles of hope and light in their faces. it touched me because they come from less than fortunate circumstances and yet they seem so content and alive in the moment. there is something to be said for that kind of ongoing joy. it can truly light up a room!

check em out!

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